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Rehearsals for 'Shrek the Musical' Underway

With the announcement of the spring theatrical production, Shrek the Musical, excitement has been rippling throughout campus. Now that auditions are concluded, Carol Jones, drama teacher, has released the much anticipated cast list and rehearsals are underway. The show opens on April 25 at 7 p.m. Other showtimes are April 26, and 27, and March 2, 3, and 4.

Playing the lead role of Shrek is David Spitzfaden, accompanied Elana Mangiamele and Riley Osburn, who were double cast for the part of Princess Fiona.

Other well known Shrek characters that will be featured include: Donkey, whose part will be played by Jackson Taitano and Cassidy Jessup; Caleb Winkleblech as Farquaad, and Sophie Wright and Kieran Scott as Gingy. In addition, all of the students in Jones' musical theater class will be performing in this show in various ensemble roles.

Shrek the Musical is a stage rendition of the movie Shrek, originally performed on Broadway on November 8th, 2008. Some of the most popular songs featured include “Travel Song,” “Who I’d Be,” “The Ballad Farquaad,” and “Freak Flag.” Devoted fans of the show and newcomers alike are sure to be delighted by both the story and the music featured in this colorful production.

Jones recently directed several other shows for MVHS, including The Crucible, a show about the Salem Witch Trials which won 3rd place in the California Educational Theater Association (CETA) competition this year, Once on this Island, a story of a girl and the tale of her impossible love and the gods, and Thoroughly Modern Millie, which takes place in the 20s, on Millie’s quest to marry a rich employer.

This show is sure to be just as impressive as the previous ones, so be sure to support our actors and watch the show! You won't want to miss it!

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