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Drug Dogs on the Hunt

On April 23, 2018, Mission Vista held an assembly to introduce the use of newly implemented contraband detection canines or "drug dogs" as they are known to students. This is in response what Vista Unified School District has identified as an increase in drug use among students on campuses throughout the district.

These increases in drug use may be due, in part, to advancements in the drug industry has made including: wax pens,suorin drops, vapes, juls, etc. These products are for the use of marijuana and nicotine and are commonly used by students because of the ability to mask odor. These products are also small in size and can fit just about anywhere. In addition to these drugs, alcoholic beverages and over or under the counter medication use among students is also on the rise.

The solution the district has come up with is to use specially trained dogs to make unexpected visits across campus and sniff bathrooms, bushes, trash cans, classrooms, and backpacks in order to detect any contraband items that may be on campus.

The process, as explained by the canine trainer is that “The dogs aren’t trained to begin to search through your backpacks or jump on you if they suspect an inappropriate substance, they will simply will sit next to your backpack and wait patiently for a reward.”

According to school officials, during a search in a classroom, students will be asked to step outside leaving all belongs behind, the dog will then make its way throughout the classroom looking for four specific things: illegal drugs, medication (over or under the counter), alcohol, and/or weapons(gun, knives, fireworks etc.)

According to Assistant Principal Zilk, “They are ultimately to make sure we provide the safest campus possible for students and staff.”

So what do the students think? Opinions are split. Some feel it will simply be a huge distraction. Others feel it is a good deterant. Only time will tell.

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