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What's the Buzz about the Bees?

Thanks to district action, a menacing hive has been removed from school grounds, significantly reducing the bee presence on campus.

Last semester bees ran rampant around campus, but now they’ve mysteriously disappeared. What caused this sudden disappearance? It’s all thanks to the district hiring beekeepers to relocate a hive. It was located just behind the Wave Crest Cafe in a sprinkler box.

When asked his opinion, ASB Director Mr. Ortiz said,”I just wanna make sure the bees are happy.”

Although we don't know their exact location, we can assume they're happier. Relocation wasn’t the first attempt at fixing the problem. Groundskeeper Jaime says he tried spraying Windex around the trash cans but ended up being stung.

Jaime wasn’t the only person stung, senior Rosaria Davis says she was stung in PE while doing tire jumps.”It looked like a red wine stain birthmark, it was gross.” she recalled.

Teachers were also affected by the bees. Many classes were disrupted by bees flying through open doors, then not being able to get back out.

“Literally every day there was a bee in my room. In fact a student got stung on the way into class one day,” explains teacher, Mrs. Dumbeck, who has taught yearbook, journalism, and English for three years.

After all the disruptions the bees caused it’s a relief they’re finally gone. If you see another hive, please tell any member of MVHS staff.

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