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What's All the Fuss About PLUS?

At Mission Vista High School, there are several clubs, electives, and classes that take on roles to improve campus life. ASB, LINK Crew, and PLUS are three different leadership classes offered at MVHS, but many students aren’t fully informed on the differences between each of these classes and what it is that they do to aid the student body.

Most students understand that ASB is made up of elected students that help organize school events and activities. Also, many are aware that LINK Crew is a mentoring program for freshman support. But what about PLUS, the newest of the leadership programs? What does PLUS do?

Between five senior students polled informally, only one student could answer the question, "What is PLUS?" In case you are a student who also finds yourself scratching your head about this question, here is the answer:

PLUS, is a class and a club offered at MVHS whose goal is to unify the students through regularly held events and forums. Former PLUS member and graduate, Anthony Quintero says, “PLUS stands for PEER LEADERS UNITING STUDENTS. To me however, it is so much more than just uniting students. It is the journey. It is how we unite those students. We work on strategies and practice ways to commonly connect with the people around us with our forums and events.”

So what does PLUS do to empower the body of students? The PLUS Team student leaders serve as the liaison between the student body and the adults on a campus. PLUS encourages students to become active members in discussions that identify critical issues on campus, which include bullying, and the overall development of a safe school.

Quintero says “My favorite part about PLUS is the people. As well as the fact that the people are all here for a common goal, to empower students to be active in there school.” Quintero, who is currently serving his country in the Navy, calls PLUS "something special."

Quintero, gives a lot of the credit of the success of PLUS to Mrs. Atkins, the teacher representative for PLUS. Many students look up to her as a symbol for what PLUS reflects in values and ethics.

If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a part of PLUS, join in the next forum, scheduled for March 21 and May 23. Applications are also available for the following term. See Mrs. Atkins or a current PLUS member for more information.

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